Mark Tadross

Research Staff

After graduating with a PhD from Cambridge University in 1998 Mark worked within the IT sector before joining CSAG. As a senior researcher within CSAG he specialises in climate services, agrometeorology and climate modelling/forecasting. He has worked with a range of NGOs, governments and international organisations (including the UN and World Bank), providing scientific/technical guidance and analytical support for understanding climate variability and change. His core areas of academic expertise include the physical basis for climate variability and change, as well as understanding the resulting impacts on agriculture, water resources and disaster management. He was a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th assessment report and has over twenty years experience working in least developed countries across a wide range of applications including: developing and interpreting climate change scenarios; evaluating seasonal forecasts and land-climate interactions; utilising crop/water impact models and decision support systems; developing agricultural risk indices; conducting risk and vulnerability assessments; and evaluating the requirements for and effectiveness of climate services. Mark also works for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as a technical advisor on climate information and early warning systems (EWS).  He provides global support on developing climate rationales for adaptation proposals (to the Global Environment Facility and Green Climate Fund), as well as for UNDP-managed projects developing climate services, climate-related EWS and undertaking associated risk and vulnerability assessments. Since 2012 he has contributed to proposals and feasibility studies which have unlocked in excess of $200m of climate finance in more than 20 countries.

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sourced from ORCID (0000-0002-7018-404X): see full ORCID profile

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