- Kimutai, J. 2023. Contribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change to the Magnitude of Extreme Rainfall Events and Associated Synoptic Conditions During Recent Flooding in Kenya. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by M.New and P.Wolski.
- Nyudwana, S. 2023. Investigating the impacts of climate services among commercial and smallholder farmers to improve the uptake of climate information. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo, S. Lawal and T.S. Egbebiyi.
- Mantshiyose, A. 2023. Investigating weather information needs of smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Steynor, A. 2023. Exploring the role of climate change risk perceptions in informing climate services for adaptation in East Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and L. Pasquini.
- van Wyk, A. 2023. The impact of projected climate change scenarios on the suitability of South Africa’s economically important fruit. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Zvobgo, L. 2023. The role of indigenous and local knowledge on climate adaptation for smallholder farmers in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe. PhD supervised by P. Johnston, C.H Trisos and N.P Simpson.
- Dyers, G. 2022. Assessing the effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process as a protective measure for indigenous plant species within the Sandveld area, from a conservation perspective. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Johnston.
- Nkoma, T. 2022. A Spatial Suitability Assessment of Maize and Tobacco in Response to Temperature and Rainfall Changes in Zimbabwe. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Chilambwe, A. 2021. Modelling climate change impacts on maize and soybean yields in Central and Eastern Provinces of Zambia. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Hall, A. 2021. The Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on the 2015-2017 Hydrological Drought in the South-Western Cape, South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by M. New and P. Wolski.
- Joshi, N. 2021. Future crop suitability assessment and the integration of Orphan crops into Kenya’s food systems. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Makhanya, N.Z. 2021. Potential impacts of climate change on hydrological droughts in the Limpopo river basin. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Wolski and B. Abiodun.
- Ngcamphalala, S. 2021. Exploring adaptive policy management and evaluation for improved water resources management in the face of uncertainty and complexity in South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by O. Crespo and J. Louw.
- Lee,J . 2021. On Non-epistemic Values in Climate Science for Decision support. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B.Hewitson, R. Jack and W.Parker.
- Parbhoo, T. 2021. The Skill Assessment of Seasonal Wind Prediction in South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by C. Lennard.
- Quagraine, K. 2021. Dynamics of Co-Behavior of Climate Processes over Southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson, C. Jack and C. Lennard.
- Dlamini, L. 2020. Exploring the potential of using remote sensing data to model agricultural systems in data-limited areas. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Egbebiyi, T.S. 2020. Spatio-temporal effects of projected climate on future crop suitability over West Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by O. Crespo and C. Lennard.
- Ezekannagha, E. 2020. Assessing the climatic suitability of Bambara groundnut as an underutilised crop to future climate projections in Sikasso and Ségou, Mali. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Fikileni, S. 2020. Implementation and Evaluation of the Pitman model in seasonal hydrological forecasting mode using the Kraai River catchmemt in Eastern Cape South Africa as a case study. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Wolski.
- Hill, E. 2020. A flood of communications in a drought: a frame analysis of the City of Cape Town’s communications during the 2017-2018 water crisis. Masters supervised by D. Scott and A. Taylor.
- Karlie, M. 2020. Attribution of the 2015-2016 hydrological drought in KwaZulu-Natal to anthropogenic climate change. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Wolski.
- MacAlister, D. 2020. Plant growth, stress tolerant traits and regulation of heat activated proteins in Aspalathus linearis (Burm. f.) R. Dahlgren exposed to elevated temperature and drought. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by A.M. Muasya, O. Crespo and S.B.M. Chimphango.
- Makonya, G.M. 2020. Thermo and drought tolerance markers and regulation of heat stress proteins for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.; Fabaceae) production in NE South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by S.B.M. Chimphango, O.J.B. Ogola, A.M. Muasya and O. Crespo.
- Ramugondo, N. 2020. An investigation of the impacts of intra-seasonal rainfall variability on the maize growing season in Limpopo Province, South Africa from 1990-2014. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo and I. Pinto.
- Williams, P.A. 2020. An integrated approach to climate vulnerability and adaptation assessment of smallholder production systems: evidence from horticultural production in Ghana. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by O. Crespo and M. Abu.
- Gerstner, K. 2019. Views and behaviours of municipal actors relating to climate change and water management: the case of local municipal water management and social networks. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by L. Pasquini.
- Likoya, E. 2019. Attribution of the risk of extreme flood events to climate change in the context of changing land use and cover: case study of the shire river basin flood of 2015. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Wolski.
- Mkuhlani, S. 2019. Integration of seasonal forecast information and crop models to enhance decision making in small-scale farming systems of South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by O. Crespo.
- Pelaez, A.J.P. 2019. Contesting transdisciplinary climate knowledge: a decolonial perspective on the FRACTAL project in Windhoek, Namibia. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by D. Scott and A. McClure.
- Rusere, F. 2019. Assessing the value of ecological intensification in improving smallholder farmers’ food security and rural livelihoods in a changing climate. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by O. Crespo.
- Kent, M. 2018. A mode-based metric for evaluating global climate models. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and C. Jack.
- Mukunga, T. 2018. Evaluation of the potential changes in South Africa’s future synoptic wind climate. Masters supervised by C. Lennard.
- Brown, A. 2017. A historical perspective on wind data: time, space and vector relationships between ship log data and Cape Royal Astronomical Observatory wind data between 1834 and 1854. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by C. Lennard and S. Grab.
- Cook, D. 2017. Small scale farmers utilization and perceptions of Bambara groundnut production in South Africa: a case study in a semi-arid region of Limpopo. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by L. Pereira and P. Johnston.
- Endris, H. 2017. Assessing the representation of teleconnective drivers of rainfall over Eastern Africa in global and regional climate models and projected future changes. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and C. Lennard.
- Mauck, B. 2017. The capacity of the Cape Flats aquifer and its role in water sensitive urban design in Cape Town. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by K. Winter and P. Wolski.
- Argent, B. 2016. An exploration of South Africa’s wind climate using station records and reanalysis data. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson, C. Lennard and A. Hahmann.
- Gicheru, M. 2016. Barriers and enablers to uptake and implementation of system of rice intensification: a case study of Mwea irrigation scheme in Kenya. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Johnston and MA. Baudoin.
- Mdoka, M. 2016. The role of soil moisture on summer climate simulations over southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Tadross.
- Zinyengere, N. 2016. Assessing climate change impacts and agronomic adaptation strategies for dryland crop production in southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson, M. Tadross and O. Crespo.
- Conradie, W. 2015. Conceptualising and quantifying the nonlinear, chaotic climate: implications for climate model experimental design. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Abiodun and J. Daron and T. Hauser.
- Giermek, M. 2015. Analysing peak flow attenuation in an urban wetland. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by K. Winter and P. Wolski.
- Lawal, K. 2015. Understanding the variability and predictability of seasonal climates over West and Southern Africa using climate models. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Abiodun and D. Stone.
- Lotter, J. 2015. Potential implications of climate change for Rooibos (A. linearis) production and distribution in the greater Cederberg region, South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by E. Van Garderen, M. Tadross and A. Valentine.
- Meque, A. 2015. Investigating the link between southern African droughts and global atmospheric teleconnections using regional climate models. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Abiodun and B. Hewitson.
- Nthakomwa, A. 2015. Assessing the role of weather index insurance in climate change adaptation in Malawi. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo and J. Daron.
- Osima, S. 2015. Understanding a high resolution regional climate model’s ability in simulating tropical East Africa climate variability and change. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Stendel.
- Pinto, I. 2015. Future changes in extreme rainfall events and circulation patterns over southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by C. Lennard, M. Tadross and B. Hewitson.
- Somanje, A. 2015. Climate change adaptation measures in agriculture : a case of conservation agriculture for small-scale farmers in Kalomo District of Zambia. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by O. Crespo.
- Araujo, J. 2014. Impact of drought on grape yields in the Western Cape, South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Abiodun and O. Crespo.
- Kloppers, P. 2014. Investigating the relationships between wheat-specific rainfall characteristics, large-scale modes of climate variability and wheat yields in the Swartland region, South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Johnston and M. Tadross.
- Ogier, D.B. 2014. Characteristics of inertial gravity waves over Southern Africa as simulated with CAM-EULAG. Masters supervised by B. Abiodun.
- Maúre, G. 2013. Effects of biomass-burning aerosol loading on Southern African climate. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by M. Tadross and B. Hewitson.
- Morison, D. 2013. The synoptic drivers of extreme rainfall in South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and C. Lennard.
- Nchaba, T. 2013. Verification of gridded seasonal wind speed forecasts over South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by A. Marquard and C. Lennard.
- Wallace, M. 2013. Modelling the impact of future climate change on subregional wheat production in the Western Cape. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by M. Tadross.
- Jack, C. 2012. A Lagrangian moisture source attribution model and analysis of southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson.
- Waagsaether, K. 2012. Preparing for the future: assessing the vulnerability of small-scale farmers in Bushbuckridge. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by P. Johnston and G. Ziervogel.
- Hachigonta, S. 2011. Assessing maize water requirements in the context of climate change uncertainties over southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Tadross.
- Kent, M. 2011. The value of independent component analysis in identifying climate processes. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and D. Stone.
- Pinto, I. 2011. Future changes in extreme events in Mozambique as simulated using the PRECIS regional climate modeling system. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by M. Tadross and B. Hewitson.
- Tummon, F. 2011. Direct and semi-direct aerosol effects on the southern African regional climate during the austral winter season. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by F. Solmon, M. Tadross and B. Hewitson.
- Gbobaniyi, E. 2010. Transferability of regional climate models over different climatic domains. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and B. Abiodun.
- Kalognomou, E. 2009. Air quality and climate change in the greater Cape Town area. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Tadross.
- Carter, S. 2008. Approaches to quantifying and reducing uncertainty in GCMs over Southern Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson.
- Coop, L. 2008. The diurnal cycle of cloud cover over southern and central Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Tadross.
- Hagemann, K. 2008. Mesoscale wind atlas of South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson.
- Johnston, P. 2008. The uptake and utility of seasonal forecasting products for commercial maize farmers in South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson.
- Lennard, C. 2008. Identification and simulation of extreme precipitation using a computationally inexpensive methodology. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson.
- MacKellar, N. 2007. Simulating the effects of land-surface change on southern Africa’s climate. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Tadross.
- Mukheibir, P. 2007. Water, climate change and small towns. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by S. Parnell and B. Hewitson.
- Barrable, A. 2005. Climate change effects on land degradation and agriculture in the Swartland, South Africa. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Meadows.
- Mdoka, M. 2005. Climatic trends and soil moisture feedbacks over Zimbabwe. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Tadross.
- Drew, G. 2004. Modelling vegetation dynamics and their feedbacks over Southern Africa in response to climate change forcing. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson and G. Midgley.
- Steynor, A. 2004. The impact of global climate change on the runoff and ecological sustainability of the Breede River. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and E. Archer.
- Walawege, R. 2002. An examination of the spatially extensive heavy precipitation events over South Africa and the associated moisture trajectories. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson.
- Mulock-Houwer, A. 2001. Late quaternary environmental reconstruction and climate modelling in the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape, South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and M. Meadows.
- Young, S. 2001. Effects of global climate change on the recruitment of Anchovy in the Southern Benguela upwelling system. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and A. Richardson.
- Kruger, A. 1999. The relationship between ENSO, seasonal rainfall, and circulation patterns in South Africa. University of Cape Town. Masters supervised by B. Hewitson and W. Landman.
- Hudson, D. 1998. Antarctic sea-ice extent, Southern hemisphere circulation and South African rainfall. University of Cape Town. PhD supervised by B. Hewitson.