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Quinn, C.H., Ziervogel, G., Taylor, A., Takama, T. and Thomalla, F. 2011. Coping with multiple stresses in Rural South Africa. Ecology and Society, 16(3): ES-04216-160302 (20 pages).
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MacKellar, N. C., M. A. Tadross and B. C. Hewitson. 2010. Synoptic-based evaluation of climate response to vegetation change over southern Africa. International Journal of Climatology, 30, 774-789.
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M. Tadross, I. Oliveira, M. Mdoka, F. Tummon, G. Maure, N. MacKellar, N. Browne, O. Crespo, S. Hachigonta, B. Hewitson, Modelling the influence of vegetation, soil moisture and aerosols on early summer Southern African climate, Water Research Commission report no 1681/1/10, ISBN 978-1-77005-976-4, May 2010, South Africa.
Ziervogel, G. and P. Ericksen. 2010. Adapting to climate change to sustain food security. WIRES Climate Change, 1, 525-540.
Ziervogel, G., P. Johnston, M. Matthew and P. Mukheibir. 2010. Using climate information for supporting climate change adaptation in water resource management in South Africa. Climatic Change, 103, 537-554, 10.1007/s10584-009-9771-3.
Ziervogel, G., M. Shale and M. Du. 2010. Climate change adaptation in a developing country context: the case of urban water supply in Cape Town. Climate and Development, 2, 94-110.
Archer, E.R.M. and Tadross, M.A. 2009. Climate change and desertification in South Africa – science and response. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 26: 127-131.
Archer, E.R.M., Conrad,J., Munch, Z., Opperman, D., Tadross, M.A. and Venter, J. 2009. Climate change, groundwater and intensive commercial farming in the semi-arid northern Sandveld, South Africa. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 6(2): 139-155.
Lumsden, D.B., Schulze, R.E. and Hewitson, B.C. 2009. Evaluation of potential changes in hydrological relevant statistics of rainfall in Southern Africa under conditions of climate change. Water SA, 35: 649-656 .
MacKellar, N. C., M. A. Tadross and B. C. Hewitson. 2009. Effects of vegetation map change in MM5 simulations of southern Africa’s summer climate. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 885-898.
O’Brien, K., T. Quinlan and G. Ziervogel. 2009. Vulnerability interventions in the context of multiple stressors: lessons from the Southern Africa Vulnerability Initiative (SAVI). Environmental Science and Policy, 12, 23-32.
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Tadross, M., P. Suarez, A. Lotsch, S. Hachigonta, M. Mdoka, L. Unganai, F. Lucio, D. Kamdonyo and M. Muchinda. 2009. Growing-season rainfall and scenarios of future change in southeast Africa: implications for cultivating maize. Climate Research, 40, 147-161.
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Ziervogel, G. and F. Zermoglio. 2009. Climate change scenarios and the development of adaptation strategies in Africa: challenges and opportunities. Climate Research, 40, 133-146.
Hachigonta, S., Reason, C.J.C. and Tadross, M.A. 2008. An analysis of onset date and rainy season duration over Zambia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 91: 229-243.
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P. Johnston, D.B. Louw, O. Crespo and T.G. Lumsden, Quantifying the Costs, Benefits and Risks Associated with Climate Risk for Water Resource Development – Planning and Management Alternatives associated with Berg River Catchment Area Case Study (South Africa) – Moving Best Samples into Good Practice, Chapter 9, pp. 175-188. In Petermann, T. (Editor) 2008. Towards Climate Change Adaptation – Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins. InWEnt, Zschortau, Germany.
Suarez, P., F. Ching, G. Ziervogel, I. Lemaire, D. Turnquest, J. Mendler de Suarez and B. Wisner. 2008. Video-mediated approaches for community-level climate adaptation. IDS Bulletin, 39, 96-104.
Ziervogel, G., A. Cartwright, A. Tas, J. Adejuwon, F. Zermoglio, M. Shale and B. Smith. 2008. Climate change and adaptation in African agriculture.
Ziervogel, G. and S. Drimie. 2008. The integration of support for HIV and AIDS and livelihood security: district level institutional analysis in southern Africa. Population and Environment, 28, 3-4.
Ziervogel, G. and A. Taylor. 2008. Feeling stressed: integrating climate adaptation with other priorities in South Africa. Environment, 50, 32-41.
Ziervogel, G., A. Taylor, S. Hachigonta and J. Hoffmaister. 2008. Climate adaptation in southern Africa: addressing the needs of vulnerable communities.
Alam, S. J., R. Meyer, G. Ziervogel and S. Moss. 2007. The impact of HIV/AIDS in the context of socioeconomic stressors: an evidence-driven approach. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 10, 7.
Hachigonta, S., C. J. C. Reason and M. Tadross. 2007. An analysis of onset date and rainy season duration over Zambia. Theoretcal and Applied Climatology, 10.1007/s00704-007-0306-4.
Johnston, P., G. Ziervogel and M. Matthew. 2007. The uptake and usefulness of weather and climate forecast information among water resource managers in the SW Cape region of South Africa. , 30, 380-389.
MacKellar, N. C.. 2007. Simulating the effects of land-surface change on southern Africa’s climate. , , .
MacKellar, N. C., B. C. Hewitson and M. A. Tadross. 2007. Namaqualand’s climate: recent historical changes and future scenarios. Journal of Arid Environments, 70, 604-614 .
Mukheibir, P. and G. Ziervogel. 2007. Developing a municipal adaptation plan (MAP) for climate change: the City of Cape Town. Environment and Urbanisation, 19, 143-158.
Thomas, D. S. G., C. Twyman, H. Osbahr and B. Hewitson. 2007. Adaptation to climate change and variability: farmer responses to intra-seasonal precipitation trends in South Africa. Climatic Change, 83, 301-322.
Hachigonta, S. and C. J. C. Reason. 2006. Interannual variability in dry and wet spell characteristics over Zambia. Climate Research, 32, 49-62.
Hewitson, B. C. and R. G. Crane. 2006. Consensus between GCM climate change projections with empirical downscaling: precipitation downscaling over South Africa. International Journal of Climatology, 26, 1315-1337.
Reason, C. J. C., F. Engelbrecht, W. A. Landman, J. R. E. Lutjeharms, S. Piketh, C. J. de W. Rautenbach and B. C. Hewitson. 2006. A review of South African research in atmospheric science and physical oceanography during 2000-2005. South African Journal of Science, 102, 35-45.
Ziervogel, G., S. Bharwani and T. E. Downing. 2006. Adapting to climate variability: pumpkins, people and policy. Natural Resources Forum, 30, 294-305.
Bharwani, S., M. Bithell, T. E. Downing, M. New, R. Washington and G. Ziervogel. 2005. Multi-agent modelling of climate outlooks and food security on a community garden scheme in Limpopo, South Africa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 360, 2183-2194.
Hewitson, B. C. and R. G. Crane. 2005. Gridded area-averaged daily precipitation via conditional interpolation. Journal of Climate, 18, 41-57.
Midgley, G. F., R. A. Chapman, B. Hewitson, P. Johnston, M. De Wit, G. Ziervogel, P. Mukheibir, L. Van Niekerk, M. Tadross, B. W. Van Wilgen, B. Kgope, P. D. Morant, A. Theron, R. J. Scholes and G. G. Forsyth. 2005. A status quo, vulnerability and adaptation assessment of the physical and socio-economic effects of climate change in the Western Cape. CSIR Report No. ENV-S-C 2005-073.
Reason, C. J. C., S. Hachigonta and R. F. Phaladi. 2005. Interannual variability in rainy season characteristics over the Limpopo region of southern Africa. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 1835-1853.
Tadross, M., C. Jack and B. Hewitson. 2005. On RCM-based projections of change in southern African summer climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L23713, 10.1029/2005GL024460.
Ziervogel, G. 2004. Targeting seasonal climate forecasts for integration into household level decisions: the case of smallholder farmers in Lesotho. The Geographical Journal, 170, 6-21.
Ziervogel, G. and T. E. Downing. 2004. Stakeholder networks: improving seasonal climate forecasts. Climatic Change, 65, 73-101.
Hewitson, B. 2003. Developing perturbations for climate change impact assessments. Eos, 84, 337-341.
New, M., R. Washington, C. Jack and B. Hewitson. 2003. Sensitivity of southern African climate to soil-moisture. CLIVAR Exchanges, 8, 45-47.
Barrable, A., M. E. Meadows and B. C. Hewitson. 2002. Environmental reconstruction and climate modelling of the Late Quaternary in the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape, South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 98, 611-616.
Hewitson, B. C. and R. G. Crane. 2002. Self-organising maps: applications to synoptic climatology. Climate Research, 22, 13-26.