The overall objective of CONFER is to co-develop dedicated climate services for the water, energy and food security sectors based on co-production methods and advances in numerical modelling and statistics with stakeholders and end-users in East Africa, to enhance their ability to plan for and adapt to seasonal climate fluctuations.

Timeframe: 2022 – 2024

Funders: EU HORIZON 20/20

Output : 

  1. New seasonal forecasting products with enhanced skill, reliability, objectivity and level of detail, to
    support ICPAC and NMHSs in providing crucial predictions
  2. Contributions to improved food security estimates for enhancing preparedness and mitigation
    strategies for droughts and other climate-related emergencies
  3. New predictions for regional planning of water and energy resources, allowing more precise
  4. Enhanced exploitation of weather and climate information in the Greater Horn of Africa
  5. Encouragement of innovative spin-off initiatives and business developments in climate services
  6. Enhanced capacity at ICPAC and NMHSs through a strong focus on training

For further details contact: Peter Johnson, Chris Jack, Alice McClure, Sarika Govender