The central objective of FOCUS-Africa is to develop sustainable tailored climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region for four sectors: agriculture and food security, water, energy and infrastructure.

This will be demonstrated by piloting eight case studies in six countries involving a wide range of end-uses to illustrate how the application of new climate forecasts, projections, resources from Copernicus, GFCS and other relevant products can maximize socio-economic benefits in the Southern Africa region and potentially in the whole of Africa.

For further details: Visit FOCUS-Africa website or contact Dr Chris Jack

Time frames: 2020 -2023

Funder: World Meteorological Organisation

Partners: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, World Energy & Meteorology Council, Electricité De France, African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, LGI Consulting, Global Change Institute – University of the Witwatersrand, Amigo s.r.l., Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Plan International, Malawi Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining and Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique.