Southern Africa is highly vulnerable to climate extremes such as droughts and heat stress and the frequency of these extremes is of great concern for the population. Solar Radiation Management (SRM) is a potential mechanism to offset the greenhouse gas forcing of climate change, however, the impacts of SRM in Southern Africa are not yet known. The project seeks to explore the impact of SRM on regional characteristics of drought and heat extremes and will look at both on the ground measurements of these extremes as well as their large-scale atmospheric and ocean-atmospheric drivers. The results of this study will have broader socio-economic and political implications and will help inform African policy-makers in the UNFCCC and other climate forums. The work will be completed through publication of findings at the end of 2020.

The project forms part of the eight projects funded by DECIMALS in Argentina, Bangladesh, Benin, Indonesia, Iran, Ivory Coast and Jamaica. For more information visit SRMGI website.


Time frames: 2018 – 2020

Funder: Developing Country Impacts Modelling Analysis (DECIMALS Fund)

Partners: African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI)

For further details: contact Dr Izidine Pinto and Dr Chris Lennard