CORDEX-Africa consists of a dynamic group of young (and some less young) scientists who are working with data from CORDEX downscalings over the CORDEX African domain. The Cordex-Africa initiative has been developed to analyze downscaled regional climate data over the CORDEX-African domain, train young climate scientists in climate data analysis techniques and engage users of climate information in both sector specific and region/space-based applications.The CORDEX-Africa Analysis campaign is designed around the following ethos,

A – Analysis: Developing methods and tools to analyse atmospheric processes over Africa and how these may change into the future

F – Foci: Addressing key meteorological and impacts knowledge gaps

R – Regional messages: Presenting information for key regions in the continent

I – Integrated approach: Bringing together climate and vulnerability-impact-adaptation scientists to identify and address key climate vulnerabilities

C – Capacity development: Long-term collaboration between African scientists and key global institutions for career development

A – Application: Bridging the science-society divide through transforming climate data to actionable information

There are four regional teams (west, central, east and southern Africa) who are addressing region-specific climate questions and one thematic group that is considering applied questions such as health, biodiversity, agriculture and hydrology. Members of these teams have met as funding has allowed and to date have produced 11 papers for academic publication during 2011-2013 (see Phase 1 and Publications links below).

Thanks to Swedish funders this analysis and user-engagement work has been able to continue. Between 2015 and the end of 2017 a further series of engagements have taken place are more are planned (see Phase 2 link below).

CSAG co-ordinates CORDEX-Africa activities and with its partners sources funding to run these activities. It is strongly supported by the International Project Office for CORDEX and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

Click on the links below for more information on Cordex-Africa activities:

For further details: Contact Dr Chris Lennard

Time frames: Continuous  (no set time frames)


Partners: Global Change System for Analysis Research and Training (START) and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute