CSAG is excited to be a partner in a new programme of research, which aims to reduce disaster risk in urban sub-Saharan Africa. The project and has been awarded £3.3 million of funding from the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Department for International Development (DFID). The project is being led by King’s College London and involves researchers from Africa (African Population and Health Research Centre, University of Ibadan, Mzuzu University, Université Abdou Moumouni and University of Cape Town) with practitioners (ARUP, International Alert, Save the Children and UN-HABITAT) and international research partners (King’s College London, Development Planning Unit at University College London and the International Institute for Environment and Development).
In particular CSAG will involved in exploring and mapping climate related risk in a number of case study cities, working alongside partners from Kings College London. Also involved is the African Centre for Cities (ACC) and other researchers and post-docs within the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science.
The project runs from January 2015 for three years.