Piotr Wolski
Research Staff
Piotr is a hydro-climatologist with 30 years of work experience spanning climatological and hydro-climatological analyses, climate modelling, hydrological modelling and climate services. He holds PhD in Earth Sciences from the Free University, Amsterdam. His primary interests are in hydro-climatological analytics and modelling and sharing of hydro-climate information. Since 2009, he has been pursuing his interest in climate variability and change, working at Climate System Analysis Group, University of Cape Town. Earlier - he worked a a wetland hydrologist at the Okavango Research Institute in Botswana. As climatologist, Piotr has led a broad range of multidisciplinary research studies and consulting projects focusing on generation of decision-relevant climate information at climate change and seasonal time scales, at spatial scales from city to regional to continental. Thematically, his projects cover such varied topics as seasonal forecasting, anticipatory action trigger models, climate projections and climate change attribution of extreme events. His research is supported by his formidable data processing and analysis skills and love for creative data visualization approaches. He developed several data/information sharing websites. During the 2015-2018 Cape Town “Day Zero” water crisis he contributed significantly to the public sphere by writing numerous blogs and popular science articles explaining the climatology of the event. In one of his recent projects he worked with SADC Climate Services Centre towards transformation and improvement of the seasonal forecast product issued by the Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum. He is an accomplished academic and has published over 110 papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals, presented over 40 papers at international conferences, is a contributing author on the IPCC sixth assessment report and an associate editor of Weather and Climate Extremes, an Elsevier’s journal.
Personal SitePublications
sourced from ORCID (0000-0002-6120-6593): see full ORCID profile
Olivier Dauteuil, Louis Gaudare, Marc Jolivet, Mickael Murray-Hudson, Piotr Wolski, Kaelo Makati, Moss Edmison,  (2024) Present-day Deformation in the Incipient Strike-slip Basin of the Okavango Delta (Botswana): Impact on the Ecosystem
Wolski P, Crespo O, Tadross M, Khumalo F Z., Du-Pont T, Riquet D, Jones C,  (2024) On the quantitative limits for triggering drought anticipatory actions in Mindanao, the Philippines
Frontiers in Climate
Wolski P, Crespo OB, Tadross MA, Khumalo F, Du Pont TC, Riquet D, Jones C,  (2024) On the quantitative limits for triggering drought anticipatory actions in Mindanao, the Philippines
Frontiers in Climate
Friederike Otto, Mariam Zachariah, Fahad Saeed, Ayesha, Shahzad Kamil, Haris Mushtaq, T Arulalan, Krishna AchutaRao, Chaithra S T, Clair Barnes, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, robert vautard, Gerbrand Koren, Izidine Pinto, Piotr Wolski,  Maja Vahlberg, Roop Singh, Julie Arrighi, Maarten van Aalst, Lisa Thalheimer, EMMANUEL RAJU, Sihan Li, Wenchang Yang, Luke James Harrington, Ben Clarke,  (2023) Climate change increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan
Friederike Otto, Mariam Zachariah, Fahad Saeed, Ayesha, Shahzad Kamil, Haris Mushtaq, T Arulalan, Krishna AchutaRao, Chaithra S T, Clair Barnes, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, robert vautard, Gerbrand Koren, Izidine Pinto, Piotr Wolski,  Maja Vahlberg, Roop Singh, Julie Arrighi, Maarten van Aalst, Lisa Thalheimer, EMMANUEL RAJU, Sihan Li, Wenchang Yang, Luke James Harrington, Ben Clarke,  (2023) Climate change increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan
Romaric C Odoulami, Piotr Wolski, Mark New,  (2023) Attributing the driving mechanisms of the 2015–2017 drought in the Western Cape (South Africa) using self-organising maps
Environmental Research Letters
Izidine Pinto, Erin Coughlan de Perez, Catalina Jaime, Piotr Wolski, Lisa van Aardenne, Eddie Jjemba, Jasmijn Suidman, Aleix Serrat-Capdevila, Arame Tall,  (2023) Climate change projections from a multi-model ensemble of CORDEX and CMIPs over Angola
Environmental Research: Climate
Romaric C. Odoulami, Piotr Wolski, Mark New,  (2023) Attributing the driving mechanisms of the 2015-2017 drought in the Western Cape (South Africa) using self-organising maps
University of Cape Town
Kimutai Joyce, New Mark, Wolski Piotr, Otto Friederike,  (2022) Attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 March-April-May seasons in Kenya
Weather and Climate Extremes
van der Schalie Robin, van der Vliet Mendy, Albergel Clement, Dorigo Wouter, Wolski Piotr, de Jeu Richard,  (2022) Characterizing natural variability in complex hydrological systems using passive microwave-based climate data records: a case study for the Okavango Delta
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Conradie W, Wolski P, Hewitson BC,  (2022) Spatial heterogeneity in rain-bearing winds, seasonality and rainfall variability in southern Africa's winter rainfall zone
Conradie W, Wolski P, Hewitson BC,  (2022) Spatial heterogeneity of 2015–2017 drought intensity in South Africa's winter rainfall zone
Tooth S, McCarthy TS, Duller GAT, Assine ML, Wolski P, Coetzee G,  (2022) Significantly enhanced mid Holocene fluvial activity in a globally important, arid‐zone wetland: The Okavango Delta, Botswana
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Fikileni S, Wolski P,  (2022) Framework for implementation of the Pitman-WR2012 model in seasonal hydrological forecasting: a case study of Kraai River, South Africa
Water S.A.
Petra B. Holden, Alanna J. Rebelo, Piotr Wolski, Romaric C. Odoulami, Kamoru A. Lawal, Joyce Kimutai, Tiro Nkemelang, Mark G. New,  (2022) Nature-based solutions in mountain catchments reduce impact of anthropogenic climate change on drought streamflow
Communications Earth & Environment
Verschuur J, Li S, Wolski P, Otto FEL,  (2021) Climate change as a driver of food insecurity in the 2007 Lesotho-South Africa drought
Scientific Reports
Petra Holden, Alanna Rebelo, Piotr Wolski, Romaric Odoulami, Kamoru A. Lawal, Joyce Kimutai, Tiro Nkemelang, Mark New,  (2021) Nature-Based Solutions in Mountain Catchments Reduce Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Hydrological Drought Severity
Ke Jack Ding, Jonathan M. Gilligan, Y.C. Ethan Yang, Piotr Wolski, George M. Hornberger,  (2021) Assessing food–energy–water resources management strategies at city scale: An agent-based modeling approach for Cape Town, South Africa
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Romaric C Odoulami, Mark New, Piotr Wolski, Gregory Guillemet, Izidine Pinto, Christopher Lennard, Helene Muri, Simone Tilmes,  (2020) Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering could lower future risk of ‘Day Zero’ level droughts in Cape Town
Environmental Research Letters
Wolski, P., Conradie, S., Jack, C., Tadross, M.,  (2020) Spatio-temporal patterns of rainfall trends and the 2015–2017 drought over the winter rainfall region of South Africa
International Journal of Climatology
Wolski, P., Lobell, D., Stone, D., Pinto, I., Crespo, O., Johnston, P.,  (2020) On the role of anthropogenic climate change in the emerging food crisis in southern Africa in the 2019–2020 growing season
Global Change Biology
Odoulami, R.C., Wolski, P., New, M.,  (2020) A SOM-based analysis of the drivers of the 2015–2017 Western Cape drought in South Africa
International Journal of Climatology
Murray-Hudson M, Makati K, Mosie I, Wolski P,  (2019) Metadata for macrophyte data from the Boro-Xudum seasonal floodplains of the Okavango Delta
Freshwater Metadata Journal
Lawal, S., Lennard, C., Jack, C., Wolski, P., Hewitson, B., Abiodun, B.,  (2019) The observed and model-simulated response of southern African vegetation to drought
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Stone, D.A., Christidis, N., Folland, C., Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S., Perlwitz, J., Shiogama, H., Wehner, M.F., Wolski, P., Cholia, S., Krishnan, H., Murray, D., Angélil, O., Beyerle, U., Ciavarella, A., Dittus, A., Quan, X.-W., Tadross, M.,  (2019) Experiment design of the International CLIVAR C20C+ Detection and Attribution project
Weather and Climate Extremes
Murray-Hudson, M., Wolski, P., Brown, M.T., Davidson, T.,  (2019) A suite of macrophyte species distribution models for investigating hydrology-driven spatial changes in a large flood-pulsed tropical wetland
South African Geographical Journal
Angélil, O., Stone, D., Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S., Alexander, L.V., Wehner, M., Shiogama, H., Wolski, P., Ciavarella, A., Christidis, N.,  (2018) On the nonlinearity of spatial scales in extreme weather attribution statements
Climate Dynamics
Kim, Y.-H., Min, S.-K., Stone, D.A., Shiogama, H., Wolski, P.,  (2018) Multi-model event attribution of the summer 2013 heat wave in Korea
Weather and Climate Extremes
Wolski, P.,  (2018) How severe is Cape Town's “Day Zero” drought?
Otto, F.E.L., Wolski, P., Lehner, F., Tebaldi, C., Van Oldenborgh, G.J., Hogesteeger, S., Singh, R., Holden, P., Fučkar, N.S., Odoulami, R.C., New, M.,  (2018) Anthropogenic influence on the drivers of the Western Cape drought 2015-2017
Environmental Research Letters
Wehner, M., Stone, D., Shiogama, H., Wolski, P., Ciavarella, A., Christidis, N., Krishnan, H.,  (2018) Early 21st century anthropogenic changes in extremely hot days as simulated by the C20C+ detection and attribution multi-model ensemble
Weather and Climate Extremes
Wolski, P.,  (2018) Knocked for six by Cape Town drought
International Water Power and Dam Construction
Keotshephile Mosimane,  Eric Struyf, Mangaliso Gondwe, Patrick Frings,  Dimitri van Pelt, Piotr Wolski, Jonas Schoelynck, Jörg Schaller, Daniel Joseph Conley,  Mike Murray‐Hudson,  (2017) Variability in chemistry of surface and soil waters of an evapotranspiration-dominated flood-pulsed wetland: solute processing in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Keotshephile Mosimane,  Eric Struyf, Mangaliso Gondwe, Patrick Frings,  Dimitri van Pelt, Piotr Wolski, Jonas Schoelynck, Jörg Schaller, Daniel Joseph Conley,  Mike Murray‐Hudson,  (2017) Variability in chemistry of surface and soil waters of an evapotranspiration-dominated flood-pulsed wetland: solute processing in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Schoelynck, J., Schaller, J., Murray-Hudson, M., Frings, P.J., Conley, D.J., van Pelt, D., Mosimane, K., Gondwe, M., Wolski, P., Meire, P., Struyf, E.,  (2017) The trapping of organic matter within plant patches in the channels of the Okavango Delta: a matter of quality
Aquatic Sciences
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M., Thito, K., Cassidy, L.,  (2017) Keeping it simple: Monitoring flood extent in large data-poor wetlands using MODIS SWIR data
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Wolski, P., Lennard, C., Jack, C., Tadross, M.,  (2017) Seasonal hydrological forecasting - Current state of play
Water Wheel
(2017) Interannual rainfall variability and SOM-based circulation classification
Climate Dynamics
Keotshephile Mosimane, Eric Struyf, Mangaliso J Gondwe, Patrick Frings, Dimitri Van Pelt, Piotr Wolski, Jonas Schoelynck, Jörg Schaller, Daniel J Conley, Mike Murray-Hudson,  (2017) Variability in chemistry of surface and soil waters of an evapotranspiration-dominated flood-pulsed wetland: solute processing in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Water SA
Thito, K., Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2016) Mapping inundation extent, frequency and duration in the Okavango Delta from 2001 to 2012
African Journal of Aquatic Science
Schaller, J., Schoelynck, J., Murray-Hudson, M., Frings, P.J., van Pelt, D., Hegewald, T., Mosimane, K., Gondwe, M., Wolski, P., Meire, P., Struyf, E.,  (2016) Input, behaviour and distribution of multiple elements in abiotic matrices along a transect within the Okavango Delta, northern Botswana
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Thito, K., Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2015) Spectral reflectance of floodplain vegetation communities of the Okavango Delta
Wetlands Ecology and Management
Linhoss, A.C., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Kiker, G., Wolski, P.,  (2015) Reducing uncertainty based on model fitness: Application to a reservoir model
Water SA
Daron, J.D., Lorenz, S., Wolski, P., Blamey, R.C., Jack, C.,  (2015) Interpreting climate data visualisations to inform adaptation decisions
Climate Risk Management
Murray-Hudson, M., Wolski, P., Cassidy, L., Brown, M.T., Thito, K., Kashe, K., Mosimanyana, E.,  (2015) Remote Sensing-derived hydroperiod as a predictor of floodplain vegetation composition
Wetlands Ecology and Management
Kolawole, O.D., Wolski, P., Ngwenya, B., Mmopelwa, G.,  (2014) Ethno-meteorology and scientific weather forecasting: Small farmers and scientists' perspectives on climate variability in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Climate Risk Management
Murray-Hudson, M., Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, F., Brown, M.T., Kashe, K.,  (2014) Disaggregating Hydroperiod: Components of the Seasonal Flood Pulse as Drivers of Plant Species Distribution in Floodplains of a Tropical Wetland
Frings, P.J., De La Rocha, C., Struyf, E., van Pelt, D., Schoelynck, J., Hudson, M.M., Gondwe, M.J., Wolski, P., Mosimane, K., Gray, W., Schaller, J., Conley, D.J.,  (2014) Tracing silicon cycling in the Okavango Delta, a sub-tropical flood-pulse wetland using silicon isotopes
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Struyf, E., Mosimane, K., Van Pelt, D., Murray-Hudson, M., Meire, P., Frings, P., Wolski, P., Schaller, J., Gondwe, M.J., Schoelynck, J., Conley, D.J.,  (2014) The Role of Vegetation in the Okavango Delta Silica Sink
Wolski, P., Stone, D., Tadross, M., Wehner, M., Hewitson, B.,  (2014) Attribution of floods in the Okavango basin, Southern Africa
Journal of Hydrology
Kujinga, K., Vanderpost, C., Mmopelwa, G., Wolski, P.,  (2014) An analysis of factors contributing to household water security problems and threats in different settlement categories of Ngamiland, Botswana
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Mladenov, N., Wolski, P., Hettiarachchi, G.M., Murray-Hudson, M., Enriquez, H., Damaraju, S., Galkaduwa, M.B., McKnight, D.M., Masamba, W.,  (2014) Abiotic and biotic factors influencing the mobility of arsenic in groundwater of a through-flow island in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Journal of Hydrology
Vanderpost, C., Mladenov, N., Murray-Hudson, M., Wolski, P., Magole, L., Ramberg, L., Mbaiwa, J.E., Kurugundla, C.N., Moleele, N.M., Mmopelwa, G., Chonguiça, E., Kgathi, D.L., Bonyongo, M.C., Mosojane, S., Ringrose, S.,  (2012) Management and sustainable development of the Okavango
Tropical Wetland Management: The South-American Pantanal and the International Experience
Cawley, K.M., Wolski, P., Mladenov, N., Jaffé, R.,  (2012) Dissolved organic matter biogeochemistry along a transect of the okavango delta, botswana
Davidson, T.A., MacKay, A.W., Wolski, P., Mazebedi, R., Murray-Hudson, M., Todd, M.,  (2012) Seasonal and spatial hydrological variability drives aquatic biodiversity in a flood-pulsed, sub-tropical wetland
Freshwater Biology
Mackay, A.W., Davidson, T., Wolski, P., Woodward, S., Mazebedi, R., Masamba, W.R.L., Todd, M.,  (2012) Diatom sensitivity to hydrological and nutrient variability in a subtropical, flood-pulse wetland
Mosepele, K., Mosepele, B., Wolski, P., Kolding, J.,  (2012) Dynamics of the feeding ecology of selected fish species from the Okavango river Delta, Botswana
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
Wolski, P., Todd, M.C., Murray-Hudson, M.A., Tadross, M.,  (2012) Multi-decadal oscillations in the hydro-climate of the Okavango River system during the past and under a changing climate
Journal of Hydrology
Todd, M.C., Andersson, L., Ambrosino, C., Hughes, D., Kniveton, D.R., Mileham, L., Murray-Hudson, M., Raghavan, S., Taylor, R., Wolski, P.,  (2011) Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology in Africa: Case Studies of River Basin Water Resources
Advances in Global Change Research
MacKaỳ, A.W., Davidson, T., Wolski, P., Mazebedi, R., Masamba, W.R.L., Philippa, H.-M., Todd, M.,  (2011) Spatial and seasonal variability in surface water chemistry in the okavango delta, botswana: A multivariate approach
Murray-Hudson, M., Combs, F., Wolski, P., Brown, M.T.,  (2011) A vegetation-based hierarchical classification for seasonally pulsed floodplains in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
African Journal of Aquatic Science
Mitsch, W.J., Nahlik, A., Wolski, P., Bernal, B., Zhang, L., Ramberg, L.,  (2010) Tropical wetlands: Seasonal hydrologic pulsing, carbon sequestration, and methane emissions
Wetlands Ecology and Management
Ramberg, L., Lindholm, M., Hessen, D.O., Murray-Hudson, M., Bonyongo, C., Heinl, M., Masamba, W., VanderPost, C., Wolski, P.,  (2010) Aquatic ecosystem responses to fire and flood size in the Okavango Delta: Observations from the seasonal floodplains
Wetlands Ecology and Management
Bartsch, A., Wagner, W., Scipal, K., Pathe, C., Sabel, D., Wolski, P.,  (2009) Global monitoring of wetlands - the value of ENVISAT ASAR Global mode
Journal of Environmental Management
Wolski, P., Ramberg, L., Magole, L., Mazvimavi, D.,  (2009) Evolution of River Basin Management in the Okavango System, Southern Africa
Handbook of Catchment Management
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2008) 'Alternative futures' of the Okavango Delta simulated by a suite of global climate and hydro-ecological models
Water SA
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2008) An investigation of permanent and transient changes in flood distribution and outflows in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Mantlana, K.B., Arneth, A., Veenendaal, E.M., Wohland, P., Wolski, P., Kolle, O., Lloyd, J.,  (2008) Seasonal and inter-annual photosynthetic response of representative C
4 species to soil water content and leaf nitrogen concentration across a tropical seasonal floodplain Journal of Tropical Ecology doi:10.1017/S0266467408004859
Ramberg, L., Wolski, P.,  (2008) Growing islands and sinking solutes: Processes maintaining the endorheic Okavango Delta as a freshwater system
Plant Ecology
Mladenov, N., Huntsman-Mapila, P., Wolski, P., Masamba, W.R.L., McKnight, D.M.,  (2008) Dissolved organic matter accumulation, reactivity, and redox state in ground water of a recharge wetland
Mantlana, K.B., Arneth, A., Veenendaal, E.M., Wohland, P., Wolski, P., Kolle, O., Wagner, M., Lloyd, J.,  (2008) Photosynthetic properties of C
4 plants growing in an African savanna/wetland mosaic Journal of Experimental Botany doi:10.1093/jxb/ern237
Kiker, G.A., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Wolski, P., Cathey, A., Gaughan, A., Kim, J.,  (2008) Incorporating uncertainty into adaptive, transboundary water challenges: A conceptual design for the Okavango River basin
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
Lindholm, M., Hessen, D.O., Mosepele, K., Wolski, P.,  (2007) Food webs and energy fluxes on a seasonal floodplain: The influence of flood size
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2007) Managing water abstractions for preserving the Okavango wetlands, Botswana
Proceedings of the International Conference W3M "Wetlands: Modelling, Monitoring, Management"
Ringrose, S., Vanderpost, C., Matheson, W., Wolski, P., Huntsman-Mapila, P., Murray-Hudson, M., Jellema, A.,  (2007) Indicators of desiccation-driven change in the distal Okavango Delta, Botswana
Journal of Arid Environments
Bauer-Gottwein, P., Langer, T., Prommer, H., Wolski, P., Kinzelbach, W.,  (2007) Okavango Delta Islands: Interaction between density-driven flow and geochemical reactions under evapo-concentration
Journal of Hydrology
Mladenov, N., McKnight, D.M., Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2007) Simulation of DOM fluxes in a seasonal floodplain of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Ecological Modelling
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2006) Recent changes in flooding in the Xudum distributary of the Okavango Delta and Lake Ngami, Botswana
South African Journal of Science
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2006) Reconstruction 1989- 2005 inundation history in the okavango delta from archival landsat tm imagery
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP
Bartsch, A., Wagner, W., Scipal, K., Pathe, C., Sabel, D., Wolski, P.,  (2006) ENVISAT ASAR global mode capabilities for global monitoring of wetlands
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP
Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M.,  (2006) Flooding dynamics in a large low-gradient alluvial fan, the Okavango Delta, Botswana, from analysis and interpretation of a 30-year hydrometric record
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Peter Bauer-Gottwein, Henning Prommer, Thomas Langer, Piotr Wolski, Peter Bauer-Gottwein,  (2006) INTERACTION OF DENSITY FLOW AND GEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES ON ISLANDS IN THE OKAVANGO DELTA, BOTSWANA
XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources
Wolski, P., Savenije, H.H.G.,  (2006) Dynamics of floodplain-island groundwater flow in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Journal of Hydrology
Krah, M., McCarthy, T.S., Huntsman-Mapila, P., Wolski, P., Annegarn, H., Sethebe, K.,  (2006) Nutrient budget in the seasonal wetland of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Wetlands Ecology and Management
Huntsman-Mapila, P., Mapila, T., Letshwenyo, M., Wolski, P., Hemond, C.,  (2006) Characterization of arsenic occurrence in the water and sediments of the Okavango Delta, NW Botswana
Applied Geochemistry
Mazvimavi, D., Wolski, P.,  (2006) Long-term variations of annual flows of the Okavango and Zambezi Rivers
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Murray-Hudson, M., Wolski, P., Ringrose, S.,  (2006) Scenarios of the impact of local and upstream changes in climate and water use on hydro-ecology in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Journal of Hydrology
Wolski, P., Savenije, H.H.G., Murray-Hudson, M., Gumbricht, T.,  (2006) Modelling of the flooding in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, using a hybrid reservoir-GIS model
Journal of Hydrology
Ramberg, L., Wolski, P., Krah, M.,  (2006) Water balance and infiltration in a seasonal floodplain in the Okaying Delta Botswana
Mladenov, N., McKnight, D.M., Wolski, P., Ramberg, L.,  (2005) Effects of annual flooding on dissolved organic carbon dynamics within a pristine wetland, the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Gieske, A.S., Wubett, M.T., Timmermans, W.J., Parodi, G.N., Wolski, P., Arneth, A.,  (2004) Temperature-Emissivity Separation with ASTER and LANDSAT 7 Validation on the fringe of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Timmermans, W.J., Gieske, A.S., Kustas, W.P., Wolski, P., Arneth, A., Parodi, G.N.,  (2004) Determination of water and heat fluxes with MODIS imagery - Maun, Botswana
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Gumbricht, T., Wolski, P., Frost, P., McCarthy, T.S.,  (2004) Forecasting the spatial extent of the annual flood in the Okavango delta, Botswana
Journal of Hydrology
Andersson, L., Gumbricht, T., Hughes, D., Kniveton, D., Ringrose, S., Savenije, H., Todd, M., Wilk, J., Wolski, P.,  (2003) Water flow dynamics in the Okavango River Basin and Delta - A prerequisite for the ecosystems of the Delta
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Ringrose, S., Matheson, W., Wolski, P., Huntsman-Mapila, P.,  (2003) Vegetation cover trends along the Botswana Kalahari transect
Journal of Arid Environments
Stone DA, Lawal K, Lennard C, Tadross MA, Wolski P, Wehner MF,  () The Life and Times of the Weather Risk Attribution Forecast
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Otto FEL, Zachariah M, Saeed F, Siddiqi A, Kamil S, Mushtaq H, Arulalan T, AchutaRao K, Chaithra ST, Barnes C, Philip S, Kew S, Vautard R, Koren G, Pinto I, Wolski P, Vahlberg M, Singh R, Arrighi J, van Aalst M, Thalheimer L, Raju E, Li S, Yang W, Harrington LJ, Clarke B,  () Climate change increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan
Environmental Research: Climate
Harrington LJ, Wolski P, Pinto I, Ramarosandratana AM, Barimalala R, Vautard R, Philip S, Kew S, Singh R, Heinrich D, Arrighi J, Raju E, Thalheimer L, Razanakoto T, van Aalst M, Li S, Bonnet R, Yang W, Otto FEL, van Oldenborgh GJ,  () Limited role of climate change in extreme low rainfall associated with southern Madagascar food insecurity, 2019–21
Environmental Research: Climate
Kam J, Min SK, Wolski P, Kug JS,  () CMIP6 Model-Based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on the Long Sustained Western Cape Drought over 2015–19
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Posts by pwolski
- COVID-19 Data Monitoring Page, 20 Mar 2020 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage
- Twice the global rate, 25 Sep 2019 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage
- Change is possible, 30 Apr 2019 in Climate Change and CSAG Blog and Frontpage
- Drivers of Cape Town’s water shortage, 18 Jul 2018 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage
- What Cape Town learned from its drought, 18 Apr 2018 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage and Uncategorized
- What is it going to be?, 25 Jan 2018 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage and Uncategorized
- Facts are few, opinions plenty… on drought severity again, 22 Jan 2018 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage
- The “Big Six Monitor”, 07 Nov 2017 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage
- Is Cape Town’s drought the new normal?, 01 Nov 2017 in CSAG Blog and Frontpage