Piotr Wolski

Research Staff

In principle, I am a hydrologist, but in terms of my recent research and activities, I seem to be sitting on a fence, between water and climate. So, if I must, then maybe I can define myself as a hydro-climatologist? Since I've jointed CSAG, formally in 2012, I've been using climate models' output for hydrological analyses in the context of climate change impact assessment, attribution and seasonal forecasting. I've been also running attribution experiments. I'm also working on various aspects of visualization and presentation of climate data, that include articulation of uncertainties, developing visualizations such as "plume plots", and analytical tools such as "SOM-space trajectories", and doing all sorts of analyses that often include bootstrapping. It thus seems that in broader context, I revel in figuring out how the uncertainties and errors propagate through the various processing steps that are involved in translating climate data into (hopefully) useful information. My idea of fun is to mountain unicycle and slackline. But I like more conventional hiking and rock climbing too.

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sourced from ORCID (0000-0002-6120-6593): see full ORCID profile

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