CSAG is a leading international climate research centre based in Africa with broad research skills and competency in both physical and social dimensions of climate, a strong experience in engaging with society, and an excellent track record in capacity development. We prioritize societally relevant research to support responses to climate variability and change.

By Tania Williams What is climate change and how does it affect me?  This is the question most climate scientists want each and every person to think about. On a daily basis I personally think about what could possibly change and how these changes affect me, but what about other people? What about those who… Read more »

I might be tempted to restate the title as “Hierarchical confusions in intellectual debate” – but then I’ll be accused (again) of using big words. However, it is my experience that as climate science engages more across communities and disciplines, increasingly the conversations initially miss their targets, and finding convergence requires iteration.   In my dialogues… Read more »

Sitting through the late afternoon session of the 5th International Conference on Climate Services currently being co-hosted by CSAG and GERICS in Cape Town, the presenters were tackling the question: “What are effective climate services”. The panel discussion sessions spent some time looking at the question of determining the success of a climate service activity… Read more »

Dianne Scott and Chris Jack (co-authored) What are narratives?  Narratives are really just an academic way of talking about stories.  Narratives, or stories, have a number of important elements.  They describe different actors which can be people, institutions, environments, species, etc.  Some actors may be villains, others may be victims, yet others may be saviors. … Read more »

I’m wary of fads or help-yourself-models that promise to change one’s life substantially. However, sometimes these self-help suggestions (or parts of them) include strategies or ideas that resonate with me as they do with most people, and it’s more about the way the suggestions are packaged (a “one size fits all” suite on offer) that… Read more »

Given the week that has just past, it would be remiss of me not to utilise the friendly reminder of “it’s your turn to write a blog” to reflect on the events of last week, which may have far-reaching ramifications for the field we work in.  So ignoring my parent’s advice of “never bring up… Read more »

  An opportunity for young graduates to intern in the Climate System Analysis Group, Environmental and Geographical Science Department at the University of Cape Town. We are looking for a self-motivated candidate who will work with key research staff within existing projects and towards proposals and new contract work within the unit. This opportunity is… Read more »